
I Don’t know... This one lost me when he puts the truck down after it said it’s manufacturers name was Martha. Seemed a little force.

We were told to not put sonic in the truck. Not told we can't put the truck in sonic!

Our First Look at the new Bond Car.

Im sure this will be done by plenty of much more talented shoppers, but here we go anyway

Link is simply getting fed up saving Zelda 

I came in like a wrecking ball
I never hit Tokyo so hard
All I wanted was to break your walls
All you ever did was fear me
Yeah, you, you fear me

Brady is always pissed if he loses to anyone he considers a “lower life form”. Just look up how he responded this season to some losses (like to Foles again!)

I know a lot of football people will say it sucked because the defense was horrible but Super Bowl LII was so much fun to watch. Also it pissed of Brady because he lost to Nick Foles. Always love to see that image from the game being used.

As someone who does like Tom Brady and isn’t from the Kansas area but from the area where Tom used to play it was also not my favorite Super Bowl but knowing it made Zack less than happy it makes it like the 7th best.

Can’t pick my favourites this week cause I like them all! Socially distanced high fives to everyone on a job well done. Grats to Richardrae1 on top spot and good to see club representation so strong. Thanks Zack!