It’s happened to me. Had all but one letter solved on the second guess and the last consonant to fill in had about five choices. And... I picked incorrectly four times. Ouch.
I find OUIJA as a first does a good job of getting the vowels sorted or ruled out, but it’s left me with some difficulty isolating consonants on subsequent guesses.
I hear future versions will allow Kim’s to change his appearance to blend in with his surroundings.
One thing I noticed... in the “Multiverse of Madness” teaser that was the post-credit scene, there were a LOT of TV things crossing over... besides Doctor Strange Supreme (from What If?...), did anyone else notice that he was in He Who Remains’s Citadel outside of space and time that we first saw in “Loki?”
I have a lot of sympathy for Kickstarters who are seriously invested in turning out a fantastic product, but get badgered by “are we there yet?” complaints. A recent project I’d contributed to took a couple of months longer than predicted but it was due to pandemic delays, and the company historically did quality…
There’s also this…
I’ve definitely enjoyed it and found it quite engrossing! I’ve seen a few things coming, some things I didn’t see coming, and it’s a great twist on the “Battle Royale” formula (the Japanese movie’s still the greatest). Very much recommended, especially for the subtext about desperation driving people to desperate…
I actually have an Ouya, and the majority of the games I got for it are really a lot of fun. I still think that “No Brakes Valet” is probably the best Intellivision-style (in looks and feel) game on the system, and it’s a riot to play.
I’m beginning to think that Tommy Tallarico is a lot like Elizabeth Holmes or Liz Carmichael. Lots of noise, promises, a few demos, investor scamming, and a ton of deceit. I love the Intellivision as much as any of my classic systems, but the Amico lit up several alarms and red flags for me right from the start, and…
It’s not pronounced “bon-zai”- but perhaps “Bon-sly” as in “sly like a fox.”
I know! Erron Black! Oh, wait… Arthur Morgan! Uh… no? How about The Character With No Name?
If it’s any consolation, Shelgon is an intermediate stage of evolution before turning into a giant bad-ass dragon Salamence, so maybe it’s just using whatever stored energy it has because all it wants to do is evolve and fly.
I feel ya, but maybe the algorithm is on my side; I can honestly say my missed catch rate on Legendaries is very, very minimal. I always throw curveballs and always use Golden Razzes, am at 40, and only rarely do I fail to catch (though I admit I have my share). What really gets to me is how you can raid like crazy…
Sounds to me like God should have given it back.