
Or release his tax returns.

Video games do not facilitate gun violence.

Nothing screams “I belong to a more intelligent race” like using your own picture on the barely-pseudonymous Twitter account you use to post white nationalist nonsense.

If Obama had ever said anything remotely like “Take the guns first, go through due process second,” there would be flaming barricades going up on every street corner in Texas and Georgia.

This is a VERY weird take, friendo.

You must be reeeeally confused. Because this story is not about hiring a prostitute.

Americans opposed to socialist ideas typically say they don’t want the government meddling with the economy. Sure, but that cuts both ways—we now we have a government hamstrung and dominated by the titans of economy.

Racism is a powerful drug.

People are so stupid they thought the man who literally shits in a gold toilet would fight for the working man...

I think you mean the Enix part. Xbox One has two Final Fantasies and Romancing Saga 2. We do miss out on some games like World of Final Fantasy and Secret of Mana, though.

It’s like watching Darth Vader remove his mask.

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

What could they, as a business have done differently to avoid this? Literally nothing. Their fate was sealed when they suffered the hostile take-over. The process of being loaded up with massive debt by the private equity firm as a means of looting the company did them in. If that hadn’t happened, they’d still be

The really sad thing is, business-wise, they’re doing fine. As pointed out, the bankruptcy is entirely due to vulture capitalists doing a hostile take-over, looting the company and loading it up with billions of dollars of debt. It wasn’t possible for them to overcome that, even as a highly profitable business.

It’s all due to debt due to a leveraged buyout.

can you say “cuck” next? I’m trying for bingo and I didn’t put beta on my card

No, you gotta throw the whole thing out.