
The only reason I cared when I heard about this was that I knew Breitbart & friends would rush to make this part of a violent antifa liberal conspiracy. Rand Paul can go fuck himself. I’m not wasting an ounce of sympathy on a guy who doesn’t believe in laws or government and has dedicated himself to destroying our


5'7" is the start of short?

Where the hell have you been the last year?

I’m becoming convinced that Sarah pounds a bottle of vodka before every presser. She was bumbling every other word and halfway through, I’m pretty sure she forgot where she was going with this nonsense. Also, the very rich already pay less as a percentage of their income than the middle class, so the whole point is

This parable also seems to assume that everyone is having an equal amount of beer, which extended to our budget is, ummm, not exactly the case.

I watched this dumbass analogy live, and am more convinced now then ever that it’s the most reductive, backward, and illogical parable ever conceived.

By declaring the opioid crisis a “National Health Emergency” rather than a “National Emergency”, the funds available are only those in the HHS emergency fund (rather than the virtually limitless funds Congress can allocate under a “National Emergency” declaration).

Does this show that high income taxes cause great economic growth? Not necessarily.

Are you referring to the invasion of Iraq and how horribly managed Afghanistan was as examples of W’s poor policy? Millions died because of W. Millions of refugees created because of W. Trump is insane petulant man child and maybe he will cause a war but right now, I measure evil by body count and that puts W ahead

I dunno, I think torture is really and truly evil, but that’s just me.

Isn’t that one of the stories that Donny Boy Jr. told about his meeting with the Russian lawyer? (who can keep track) They were meeting for opposition research? Don Jr. does it its OK. Hillary does it she’s EEEVVVIIILLL!

I mean, she did say in a debate that Trump was a puppet of Putin. He responded with “No puppet! You’re the puppet!” and so we forgot because we were too busy laughing at how insane he is.

He hasn’t actually started any new wars. W is still the worst.

Here’s the chain of events:

So for 8 years the right whined about made-up corruption from the Obama admin and now they have actual verifiable corruption in their own and they don’t care. Sound about right.

Oh, thanks for explaining the rules. Didn’t realize that we have to express outrage at every historical instance of shit behavior in order to be outraged about the latest.

From WaPo:

This Admin is redefining the term ‘political corruption’ in ways that are so ridiculously flagrant, it’s almost like they know they’ll face no consequences from a knuckle-dragging base of supplicants, a cowed press, and terrified political opponents. Weird, huh?