Welcome to Barf Bag, a daily politics roundup to help you sort through the chaotic Trumpian news cycle.
Welcome to Barf Bag, a daily politics roundup to help you sort through the chaotic Trumpian news cycle.
Silverfish? They are super creepy.
My kids love Minecraft, and I enjoy it myself, but I absolutely cannot play it in survival because of all the unknown things that happens. The first time I heard something growl in the darkness, I was done. I also can’t stand it when I’m down too far underground, I start to panic and have to quickly tunnel all the way…
There exists a small insect monster which the game spawns underground in clusters during world creation, in the same way it places veins of coal or iron. It lives in innocuous-looking stone blocks, only emerging once you break that block. And then the rest of the hive crawls out of the goddamn walls. They’re not…
Minecraft really leans into that fear of the unknown the more you play it. I haven’t done anything complex—just wandered around, raised some chickens and fallen into the Nether a few times—but things really get buck wild. The first time an Enderman teleported into my house I jumped two feet in the air. And don’t get…
Its amazing that the republican party/president is now hated by most of America and the DNC still can’t figure out how to capitalize on it. Its like playing soccer against a team with no goalie and still losing.
I feel like that’s their perennial slogan, they’re just getting better(?) at it.
New slogan?
It’s like no one in the DNC has had even intro political science, communications, public relations, or psych classes. I can understand a few people being this tone deaf, but an entire organization that exists to sway the public seems really fucking shitty at political science, communications, public relations, and…
Sigh. DNC’s new slogan: We will always find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!
I think he is mentally ill like most true conservatives and racists. They suffer from a high level of paranoia and neuroses and, as we see in the last bit here, delusions that are either self-serving for attention or come from psychosis.
I still don’t buy this. He’s an uncontrolled dumpster fire no matter what’s going on. I don’t think it’s strategy, I this its just Trump being Trump.
It’s almost as if Trump’s real competency is not negotiating great deals, it’s convincing people that he can.
Yea, but you’re missing a big point here: The establishment are these business CEOs. They are the ones who fund and actively move the people who “actively [have] been fucking over the citizens of this country without lube”. As LordFancy noted, now they’re just cutting out the middle man.
Er...the reason the establishment has been fucking us over is at the behest of these business execs and the donations of their corporate interests. All you’re doing is cutting out the middle man.
I hear you, but the alternative to politics-as-usual shouldn’t be enshrining corporate practices, which have also, to borrow your phrase, been “fucking over the citizens of this country without lube” since time began.
There was a TV show back in the 80's that openly encouraged this worship of rich people:
It’s because “white” is the norm. I’m white and I only ever thing of myself as white if race is brought up. But I wouldn’t think of it on a list five things about me kind of way.