
Hold on wasn’t Trump endorsed by the KKK ? Are they seriously throwing shit at Hillary for having crappy supporters? Really Drumpf junior? Pot kettle black much?

So where was he, and the rest of the conservative community when Roger Ailes, and Bill O’reilly were exposed? Oh, that’s right, the were busy painting the women who came forward as money hungry, attention whores. And don’t forget, Trump called Ailes a fine man, and hired him as an advisor.

The speed with which they shit themselves on twitter after this went public was amazing. Not sure if my favorite was Lyons lying about apologizing to Zoe Quinn and getting called on it immediately, or Auerbach acting like this was somehow unfair and improper by Buzzfeed.

Speaking of Ken Jennings, he seems like a pretty great guy based on his Twitter feed.

The common denominator between both scenarios seems to be Activision here. I’m going with Activision is the shitty one. Of course I’ve thought Activision has been trashy for years. Ever since they quit giving out merit badge patches to sow on your jacket for getting high scores on their games!

Unfortunately, they’re not wrong about the attention span...

Troll or just clueless? Machine guns weren’t “banned” in 1986. In Nevada it is legal to own fully automatic rifles with high capacity magazines.

Tell that to the rest of the world where shit like this doesn’t happen at the rate it does here. Does no one want to commit acts of terror in the rest of the world? Only in the US?

The amazing part about it is that it actually works. Rich people don’t spend money like poor people do, which is why the money multiplier effect is more seen on investments that help poor people rather than ones that help the rich. If you give a millionaire 35k, they don’t spend it.

Never in my life has my boss gotten a tax break and given me a raise. These things are not linked. It’s a false premise that the entire notion of trickle-down economics is based up. The idea that if we just give the rich some extra spending cash they’ll do benevolent shit with it.

They didn’t see the global recession coming for the same reason they thought the tax cuts would work: They had no idea what the fuck they were doing/didn’t care.

I thought we were talking about job creation, but what you’re referring to here is called tax incidence. There are lots of studies, going far back even to a 1962 study by Friedman (Ronnie Raygun’s economic advisor, not exactly a flaming liberal) and Harberger on how tax incidence almost entirely falls on shareholders

tax preparer here. simplify the tax code by reducing the number of rates is a sneaky way to edge closer to a flat tax which will greatly benefit the wealthy. Its just as complicated to have 7 rates as it is to have 3. im not concerned about the tax rate either. the software calculates that. What i am concerned about

Nah homey, just people who actually have either struggled enough in their life to understand what a hard choice is, or are humble enough to take what a person who is not like you says at face value.

“that demand high tax dollars which kill good job creation”

“... but small enough to not delve into social justice issues.”

It ain’t just Kansas - we have almost 50 years of economic history that shows trickle down is horseshit. Verifiable facts and data:

If the question is “how many different ways can Republicans re-brand and disguise the old ‘trickle down economics’ canard?”

At least the Republicans ideal plan is working out great in Kansas.