
I could vote for (not support) a Rubio, Jeb Bush or Kasich. Cruz though? Maybe if he’s running against Satan, Reincarnated Hitler or Cthulhu. Maybe.

And don’t forget to vote again in 2 years you lazy pieces of shit!

I didn’t think I could hate Thiel more than I already did. You proved me wrong.

Signed - A Midwest software dev.

Thanks for responding. It’s possible I’m being naive but I don’t think Murray was intentionally deceptive. I’m guessing he thought the features he talked about were in the dev pipeline but were cut prior to release. Murray and I are both software developers. Development types are generally terrible at talking. It’s

I get why a large corporation would only want PR approved messages to go out but I am totally baffled by consumers advocating for it. People like Molyneux caught tons of flak for sharing their vision instead of what was going to be delivered. But I’d readily take that over some PR crafted sales pitch that never tells

The Full Release

“SJW” is now a meaningless pejorative that says more about the person slinging the term than it does on the object of their derision. It reminds me of the term “neo-con”, as in neo-conservative. It became a second-hand pejorative for anyone disagreeing with American leftist positions when it originally only referred

I completely skipped the WiiU. It would be extremely enticing if I could insert WiiU discs into that base station and play 3DS games on it too.

You could simplify it to just western Wayne co. Anything west of 275.

The problem is that the executive class at these companies are trying to replicate successful examples of day one DLC, like Call of Duty. Unfortunately for them and their customers, they seem to be oblivious to a number of factors that go into making that model occasionally successful. For one thing it’s very hard, if

When you win, the people who sued you have to pay your legal fees. Denton has his off shore tax haven accounts he could easily fund the fight.

Help me understand your position. You’re saying that GG has been incorrectly vilified as a misogynistic or incorrectly labeled as primarily political movement, right? If that’s the case then surely that movement must have exposed some clear cut examples of ethical violations in video game journalism? Or at the very

I don’t understand why this isn’t called “Total War:Hammer”.

There’s also eXistenZ and maybe King of Kong.

What the hell!? Why is there not one headline for this story along the lines of:

Are you unaware of the circumstances surrounding the formation of the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act (1964)? The reason “protected classes” came about was preciously because “neutral” laws like requiring passing a literacy test in order to vote were not enforced equally. The US has had pervasive problems

For a movie that seems to celebrate creativity, it sure has a terrible name.

I’m really digging (pun!) the Minecraft sets. Unlike just about every non-Creator set, they come with way more of the traditional 2 studs wide x 3 stud high bricks. Which are more useful than the gobs of technic-ish pieces that come with most other sets. By more useful, I mean easier for someone like me who still has

The Lego birds set is not showing up at the price you listed (showing at $45 when I click):

The Lego birds set is not showing up at the price you listed (showing at $45 when I click):