Richard Morey

Sorry, I didn't mean size like that, I mean in lose terms like "plus" size.

The "size" of a man or woman should not matter. The key for everyone should be being healthy and your "size" (aka weight) is between you and your doctor. If you are healthy and like the way you look then end of story.

The ratings have probably good down because they've rehashed similar story lines from earlier seasons while added overly complicated time and cross realm travel. I used to love this show and I still watch it but it's more confusing than enjoyable.

I LOVE Samoa's! I would eat a whole box in one sitting (if I didn't have to share them!)

The video for this was pretty hysterical.

That's a great song. One of my favorite Rush tunes.

This really was a bad episode except for Grace. The case was almost identical to the last time Rowdy was a client and the whole copyright argument was stupid to begin with. Has anyone compared Bruno Mars music to the Police? And is everything a guy writes owned by the record label because he was under contract? The