
I guess anything’s better though than the old “master-slave” nomenclature of IDE cable selection.

My wife would never be able to drive that. She needs the D.

A Lincoln Town Car. I was always a Cadillac guy, and in their final decades the Deville was a far superior vehicle to the Town Car in every way: better riding, more power, better build quality, better handling, quieter, etc.

Those are nice vehicles. I worked at a Kia dealer when they were new, and I would have happily taken one myself.

When I was a kid, a $250 repair bill meant that I would figure out how to fix it myself, or I wouldn’t have a functioning car anymore.

I live here, and I agree that it is the worst state that I’ve ever spent time in. It has its good parts, but the people ruin it.

That’s true, you could only have 3-4 girls working at a time with 30mbps up. Hardly worth the effort.

When I was young, single, and kid-less, my dream was to live in a garage. I wanted the kitchen, dining, and living rooms open to the main garage area, with only bedrooms and bathrooms walled off. I also wanted an attached woodshop, but walled off to keep the dust away from everything else.

High electrical demands, fast internet, and away from prying eyes. Are you smuggling in Eastern European girls to work the cam sites? Tor-based grow operation? Both?

What the fuck did you just say?

Like everything, it varies:

There is nothing stopping you. My personal laptop is a T510, and with a bunch of RAM and an SSD, it leaves me wanting for nothing in the things that I actually use it for.

Sure, a BMW could work. Grossly overpriced, dependent on brand image and marketing, popular with the pumpkin spice latte & Uggs crowd, and often owned by people that think it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Personally I’d much rather my car behave like my Macbook pro, which just works

That’s a kick right in my tender parts: one of the towns that I used to roam around as a kid has turned into a heroin cesspool. For a while, I would read the news from there every day, just to see which of my ex-friends was going to jail or rehab. Eventually I stopped being able to keep track.

1st - I know that I should be most excited about the great new cars that Lotus will build, but what really makes me literally smile reading this is the change in Chinese management styles, and how they have come together with access to lots of capital to make some really great things happen. Apparently shipping people

What has my life become that I’m looking at dyno results on a lawnmower engine?!?

That’s silly. I don’t rake anything at all. Sticks big enough to bend a blade get picked up, everything else gets the chop.

I missed this, but I’ll give my two best here:

Love this.