
If the costume matches the character. It’s offensive. If white kids put on makeup to match the costume, it’s offensive. If the costume is lightened so white kids can wear it without matching makeup, it’s offensive.

You DO understand that “acid” means pH less than 7, right? And that ocean water has rapidly “acidified” from slightly alkaline at pH 8.3 to slightly alkaline at pH 8.1, yes? And that calcium carbonate will not dissolve in water unless the pH is less than 7?

Both candidates are terrible. It's like a choice, who do you want running the country, Stalin or Hitler?

This is the same company that took another concept, Fantastic Four, during a time when comic book movies were conquering the box office, and proved how just how badly they could fail. The problem is: when you set out to make A Box Office Blockbuster, it’s easy to forget, that box office success comes from making a

If not for the dams, it would be a red ribbon. When European settlers came to the area, the Colorado was described as “too thick to drink, too thin to plow”

Well, it’s true. Spoilers are wonderful. I can think of all the movies I’d never have watched if I knew how they ended. How much time I would’ve saved.

And Hillary is

It has ALWAYS been about the big bucks.

Well, the interesting thing is more movies are produced and released now than ever before. That implies that quality has radically declined in the past few decades.

Yup. It's as absolute as settled science.

Yes!!!! Captain Marvel!! Or Black Widow! Or both...

Based on activists like Leonardo dicaprio, I guess we should own several mansions and many expensive cars each, and fly in private jets at every opportunity. Oh, yeah. And make speeches about stopping fossil fuel use.

That's because the futurists didn't realize corruption and crony capitalism would replace an economic system that worked.

Freedom. *sigh* Once upon a time.

The trilogy is pretty decent; the series, less so.

The trilogy is pretty decent; the series, less so.

In my neighborhood, most people don’t believe the news. They believe the drought is an overhyped non-problem. They point to local golf courses, municipal parks, and government buildings where everything is lush and green. They say, “if there was a real problem, those places wouldn’t be so green.” Then they continue


“...hottest earth has ever been.”

Wasn’t interested in this movie, but it turned out to be great.

“Looks both weird and hilarious”