Richard Herbert

I know, right? To this day, people are still spoiling the end of Titanic!

I'm saying, regardless of source cause, that it's a shame a list of best of doesn't include more female comics than the one guaranteed to be on here. Whether that's due to bias or simple innocent preference, it's still disappointing, especially considering how awesome Perreti's special was.

It sucks pretty hard that the only female on this list was essentially a mandatory mention for you guys.

Michael Haneke uses this effect somewhat frequently in his films, though perhaps sometimes to purposefully frustrate. Other times because he wants the viewer to be horrified without sating bloodlust.

That was, you know, about as entertaining as an already existing trailer set to some slightly ironic music could possibly be.

Every time the A.V. Club points me to music it calls "sad" or "punishing" or "melancholic," I find it on Spotify and think, without fail, "Well, that's the happiest thing I've listened to all day." It's all perspective, I suppose.