
Maybe it's all a ploy to get more people to participate in democracy because it will drive people out to the polls to stop President Trump from happening. It could be an effective Vote Or Die campaign. Or that's what i'm hoping will happen.

Sure you do, until ya take it to the eye

Ah true, but they may have a functional umbrella

I don't know. They probably having blinding capabilities

Actually there is a band called Glitterclit in a nearby town

I kinda hope he falls off of a wall

Playing one of your tracks at work. Very cool. Looking forward to diving into your catalogue further. Thanks for the share. Also maybe could do an interview for my like blog/site thing sometime if you'd be interested?

What's your band called? It sounds like something i'd like to check out

This is a mystery. Is there a dick pic in the article? Did the writer sneak in his thoughts on the jews? What is happening

I just clicked on it and it went no where, and then the llink was gone. There must be a newswire on the missing newswire

Did a newswire just disappear?

"Toddler with a penguin size popcorn please. And throw in an elephant trunk of skittles to."

Blade Runner 2:Ted 3 meets Deadpool 2: What is life without sequels. In theatres soon. Get your 3d glasses and cokes the size of a large baby.

It's only a semi

Maybe it's just a ploy to get peoples hopes up then. He can't get an erection unless thousands of people are mad at him.

God bless the Nigerians!

Is it Martin shriekbocker? Is this his new scheme to pay for a Happy Endings movie then keep it to himself?

Wanna play a show with my band "Frankie Avalon and the Hitlers"

Its from a Noisey guitar series. It was said by Dean Ween

Please Kill Me is such a great book. If you like books about early punk history Perfect Youth is another great book on the first wave of Canadian punk bands.