Richard Dickson

It mentioned something about bending the knee to Joffrey, so I think it was the note Sansa was forced to write to Robb. Likely intended to make it look like Sansa was working with the Lannisters.

You don't name a weapon "Scorpion" and not have it be poisoned. Drogo's toast — and then joining the Night King's army.

They picked the wrong Sinead O'Connor album.

It's called "Prayer FOR Mad Sweeney," and that's what we see Essie continually offering (and at crucial moments NOT offering) throughout the episode.

A director with two feature films under his belt, one of which earned Oscar nominations for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Original Screenplay and was at the time among the most profitable films ever made, was "inexperienced"?

It's more the sense that his life is now his own.

Pretty sure that wound was a nod to the Fisher King (the legend, not the Gilliam film).

I always got the impression he was our collective paranoia. He represented the New World Order, the Illuminati, the Elders of Zion, the Men in Black, and every other insane conspiracy theory we latch onto.

It was actually "Life on Mars" Bowie, about a year before he debuted Ziggy. Which makes the use of the Martian war machine sound effect from George Pal's War of the Worlds to herald Media's arrival in that guise so damn perfect.

There's a 6-foot 240-pound hole in the women's championship picture. No way Nia Jax should have been left out of that segment last night.

"Death" does matter for the hosts though, at least the ones becoming more aware of what they are. Dying means going back to the factory and being reset and walking back all the progress they've made. They're not aware of that possibility, but we are.

Fun fact: Malachi Throne was also the narrator of the Story of The Empire Strikes Back LP.

Even thought "Girls In Their Summer Clothes" sounds light and happy, there's a deep edge of sadness and longing in it. "She went away / She cut me like a knife" speaks to the idea that underneath all this pastoral loveliness is a lonely guy seeing all these interactions and wondering if he's ever going to deserve

Who's inside the pod? Streaky the Supercat, of course.

Looks like both Mike and Jimmy are going to have their lives complicated by 911 calls that weren't made.

Oh what I wouldn't give for a period Bond film. The 60s Cold War era is just such a better fit for the character and his trappings.

I'm just surprised there wasn't as much uproar over the Mophie ad that actually feature an African-American God with a dying cell phone battery.

They also pretty much just copied the Trek-style end credits Futurama did years ago.

There have been plenty of Oscars where Best Picture didn't win Best Screenplay. Happens all the time.

Ezra standing silently with the creatures around him was a pretty strong visual as well, and a damn near cheer-worthy moment.