Chairman Mix-a-lot

I've always thought of them as 11 year olds who got freaky friday-ed into the bodies of old hollywood executives. It explains why they've been so desperately trying to keep up the ruse.

It's really really great, but there's nothing iconic, no transcendent, touchstone scenes.

Didn't Seth Rogen and Nathan go to the same high school and do improv together?

Not to mention Tahar Rahim!

Set in Vancouver, a show should not be described as, "…a close-knit northwestern Canadian podcast community." I know it's hard to believe, but directions were not invented to explain how the world revolves around America.

…he wrote a vague outline, mostly as a means to get his name on the film so people would see it. (and apparently the ploy is still working today)

It's pretty simple, Jon Hamm has lots of charisma.

That'll teach them for asking for cash…

For friends wedding I bought them a Gossip Girl board game, still haven't gotten my thank you card.