Part of the reason we have the food system we do now is in WWII draftees came in who were suffering from malnutrition. The book "The Taste of War" gets into this: It's really fascinating.
Part of the reason we have the food system we do now is in WWII draftees came in who were suffering from malnutrition. The book "The Taste of War" gets into this: It's really fascinating.
Kotaku: Gamers can face repetitive stress injuries and medical issues due to the repetitive actions they do and the sedentary lifestyle they commonly live.
Yeah like someone else said, no one’s really *shocked* it’s just like...eyerolly at this point. Like... “Oh. Lingerie Mage. Really uh...really reachin’ deep into the design bucket there, huh?”
I don’t think anyone is shocked. Most are just tired of it.
I was talking about people watching planes landing hoping they’d crash.
None of those passengers were ever in serious danger. These kinds of ugly landings are actually quite routine in high winds - they happen virtually every day of the year - and yet flying is still the safest way to travel by a huge margin.
The bootlickers always reveal themselves.
Remember, its always, ALWAYS, good to pirate Nintendo games. They don’t want to sell them and they don’t respect them, why should I. So always jailbreak their shit and load it up with games they can’t take away. If they want to pretend those games didn't exist you can do your part so they are preserved somewhere.
Seriously, blaming bloody Halo?
It sucks because a lot of the community is frustrated at developers and stuff and like...this is 100% on leadership from top to bottom. EA leadership, DICE leadership, and all management in between.
My group of friends are loyal BF players, and we all planned to play BF2042. Then we ending up binging two weeks on Halo Infinite, and we totally forgot about BF2042.
Basically, I blame the people who pushed this out the door to hit a release schedule a lot more than I blame the people who worked through a pandemic to actually make it.
Ahhh I remember the days of 5 minutes ago when NFT bros were claiming that NFTs would protect artists. How quickly that charade fell.
I think it’s because they want a more balanced distribution of rotten vs fresh. Far more films are over 50% than under (at least least if we’re only counting films that becomes famous enough to get enough reviews to be meaningful), so they wanted to set the threshold for ‘fresh’ higher so as to actually pick out the…
I’m questioning why you felt it was necessary to call that out. It’s a nickname that he wears and occasionally introduces himself by. There is no need to be upset when it’s used. Nobody gives a shit in 2022 who did or didn’t give it to him.
“It’s gonna get R’lyeh weird” is genius.
This is just fetish Mad Libs at this point.
The implication being that a unionzed studio can’t produce top quality work. Which is BS.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s hoping to get on a list over at Microsoft of some people who need payouts to quietly go away.
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