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    Not sure I buy that. They arnt telling all the actresses at the Oscars to not wear their stilletos on stage.

    Its all relative my friend. You should meet the British. Oy Vey. 

    Hell, that’s videogames. Like always comparing the industry to Hollywood, thinking Roger Ebert's dislike of the medium really meant anything etc etc

    What? They're right. 

    To me this just reeks of a desperate and hollow attempt at legitimacy and I can never tell if its just me that sees it that way.

    Apparently these movies are just my thing cos I absolutely loved it.

    We’re very on much on different wavelengths here.

    We do realise all of that. But the people who are afraid of this are thinking of the future.

    Removing that one does feel a little joyless.

    Edit: replied to wrong post

    For once I think social media’s spirit of responsibility” is working perfectly fine Emmanuel. It's informing the French public of your failures. 

    Yeh that is a big point, Microsoft are in this mess cos their exclusives havnt managed to match Sony’s.

    Took a real long time to outsell though didn’t it? Xbox led almost the entire generation so the point still stands. 

    You know, maybe you should be blaming the makers of the original xbox, as it had Halo as an exclusive when you could have made it a console that was designed to play everything.

    If it's to give them more time why isn't the physical released already queued up to be released like a month or two later or something?

    It's working as intended. We click. They make money. They survive. 

    I cannot say this with any certainty, but I think that belief stemmed from the implications of using that source material rather than actual strategy.

    Ah I think I see what you’re saying. You’re using it like a factual term while the mainstream uses it like an insult.

    1) Cos people of his age often don’t run in the circles to be able to learn this stuff or dont bother to learn, they are stuck in their ways. And in this case we’re talking internet culture in particular..so fuhgeddeboutit.