Richard Bergstrom

I think Arya and Sansa's drama is just so they have something to do until they die. How would they fit into Dany + Jon?

I'm not sure that's much of a defense. I'd think that everyone would know what a guy who tried to shoot the president looked like, even if he was supposedly dead. Also I'd imagine the FBI, Pentagon and other branches of the government would still be researching the case in the aftermath. The show just veers back and

Considering the guy just was involved in an assassination attempt, his face should've already been plastered over the news.

It's silly that there's a failure in the Pentagon's security system and they don't send anyone to
check the computer room. They don't even have a guard manning a station outside the door. I mean, heck, if you knew a domestic terrorist capable of blowing things up and hacking things was in the Pentagon, wouldn't the

The funny thing is the many people who thought TWD was well written in the first place. Some individual episodes were golden and TWD is usually good at setting the mood. This finale episode had a good amount of tension in it too. But the character development can be shoddy. We knew more about Denise than we did about

I don't think it's a black/white thing, I think it's a poor writing thing. Look back to Beth who tried to commit suicide in Season 2 then did virtually nothing except sing a song or two until season 4's episode with her and Daryl. Then we're supposed to care for her when she dies in season 5? We didn't see Gene or