Hey, no pressure.
Hey, no pressure.
Don’t get too complacent—Harris hasn’t won yet. Hitler was considering a boob at first—then he drove Germany to complete destruction. And if American Hitler gets back in office (between gerrymandering, Donald-nazis, and christ-nazis; it could well happen), that outcome literally means the end of American democracy. So…
There is only one Moonbase Alpha. Thank you.
But... Amazon Prime Day is coming!
Full Self Driving.
So we get another “article” trash talking old people or seniors or boomers, insert your euphemism (look it up if they didnt teach you that in English) here. How about you look for cars that some other stereotypical group might favor? You could pick on LGBTQ, Millennials/GenZ, Hispanics, Blacks, Asians. Share the love…
This is just sad and more than a little pathetic. Another poster made a similar comparison already, but it’s like trying to exchange beets for the corned beef in a ruben.
And there’s no way to stop them!
A percentage of profits is donated to ‘insert charity here’ hmm zero is a percentage
Tired of the old people complaining about “the grid is not ready” then oppose any money on improving the grid that would improve our infrastructure and provide good American jobs. So much bitching about EV is just fragile masculinity just like bitching about solar and wind.
Up to 500 leaves a lot of mileage, like 500 of them
I’m Canuck and never heard of this car before today. Great find!
For most people, “almost floats” means “sinks.”
What Car Story Deserves A Big Budget Hollywood Feature Film?
An experiment is never a failure so long as you learn something.