I imagine the problem isn’t necessarily the supply, but the infrastructure that ensures all that food gets to where it’s needed.
I imagine the problem isn’t necessarily the supply, but the infrastructure that ensures all that food gets to where it’s needed.
I enjoyed Tron: Legacy too. Pure design porn with a great soundtrack.
E. L. Cord. best known for the Cord automobile, but, he had a pretty impressive collection of makes by the time he was done. People like to compare Elon Musk to Preston Tucker, but if ever there was a match for Musk, it would be E. L. Cord.
It was a messy breakup that we don’t really like to talk about.
Having had to wait for dozens of images to load on one of their Blade Runner articles, I’d say if every there was a proper use of the slide format, this is it.
Reverse: Boomer, and yes, it was ridiculous, and yet at the time it looked like the only way out was Armageddon. It was about as big, and ugly and insoluble a problem as anyone could imagine, and yet, here we are, on the other side of it. It’s why I remain optimistic that people will see their way through the current…
Considering the track record of empires trying to take over Afghanistan, China taking a turn would be good news for the US.
Islam isn’t a monolith, any more than Christianity is, and we’ve seen flavours of Christianity that cover the entire political spectrum.
I kid you not. The Queen Mary 2 uses four of them to get around.
ICE is cool, but nobody would seriously call the chain of events that turns gasoline into motion “simple”. The electric motor is about as simple a machine as you can get, and has been proven for moving everything from ocean liners to cell phone buzzers
No, the Germans were very good at engineering. The Nazis simply inherited the results of an educational system put in place by the Kaisers, and thankfully for the rest of us, they were stupid and corrupt enough to squander that advantage.
And to be honest, I only put Ford ahead of Hitler because he didn’t start a world war, and didn’t conduct a systematic campaign of genocide, but that’s really not a high bar to clear.
The event has been around for over 70 years, and Mercedes Benz has taken the top prize eight times, and just now you’ve decided to be shocked? I guess the outrage machine is running low on material.
Oh yes, I’m very familiar.
Some of them have engines based on a design from a man who was kicked out of the Nazi party for being too extreme.
And let’s face it, Henry Ford’s rep wasn’t exactly sterling during that time either. Maybe not Hitler level, but it was bad enough.
Yes, a car designed to Hitler’s personal specifications, and who’s original purposed was to finance the Nazi war machine.
And all those tech companies looked pretty innocuous went they first started.