
Get real. If you can’t appreciate a great play like this, of this absurd reaction and perfect stick placement - the details of which are only apparent when slowed down to 1 fps - then there’s something wrong with you, not hockey.

Shut the fuck up.

Hey, the game is not for you. And that’s okay. Nobody says you have to like it. If you look at a tape of one of the most incredible saves a goalie will ever make and say ‘This is everything wrong with hockey’ then the game is not for you. May I suggest golf? It has a much slower pace and it’s pretty easy to tell

Dana Carvey’s Ross Perot was spot on.

Now playing

Even better than Perot’s infomercials was his choice of running mate...

Former season ticket holder here, as part of a group, when they were in Uniondale. Probably averaged 15 games a season. I’ve been to two so far at Barclays, and its just about as bad as everyone makes it out to be. As crappy as the Colesium was, the sightlines were fantastic and that place got LOUD when they were

Are we not going to discuss meth legs coming down the stairs?


Hey Nathan, while you’re here could you look over our financials? Things aren’t going so well..

It’s impossible to go over the top with the performance

Drywallers wet dream

I’m confused by how young professional athletes are now

You have a supervisor for racism in your office?

How long before we see Cam in one of those "it's not how many times you get knocked down"-type commercials? A week?

A deeply mediocre team quarterbacked by Nick Foles isn’t exactly a big draw for the citizens of Los Angeles

Man, I can’t wait to see what the papers will come up with for headlines tomorrow morning!

Found him.

“Where the hell’s this ‘Drew’ punk?”

Typical millennial. All meme meme meme.