
Nate Silver did a great analysis of why this is a bad idea and why the NHL should let Canada have more teams — the most obvious being that sticking teams in the middle of the desert with a “fanbase” that doesn’t know hockey from handball already has a horrific track record. Not to mention that Quebec fans are more

Not to mention an incredibly cool guy. I live in Metro Detroit and everyone here has either had a direct interaction with Gordie or knows of someone who did. My favorite is my Dad’s. While Howe was in the prime of his career in the 1950s he came and talked at my Grandfather’s church’s men’s group in Detroit. He spent

Diary of a Mad BernieBro.

The concept of some generic team “North America” is silly but the potential to have Larkin, Eichel and McDavid all on the ice at the same time most assuredly is NOT.

*Gary Bettman reads this comment.*

Can I talk? Larry? Larry? Can I talk? Can I talk please, Larry? Can I say something? Larry?

Which resulted in one of the greatest SNL sketches of all time, with Carvey as Perot dumping Hartman as Stockdale off in the woods.

Oh good. I was waiting for Albert’s BernieBro-ish contrived rant about the latest Republican candidate to drop out that is oh-so-edgy because he liberally sprinkles “fuck” throughout his hackneyed “The corporations man...” drivel. English Comp I professors think you’re trying too hard.

So you’re telling me an NHL ownership group spurned its hardcore, longtime suffering, loyal fanbase in favor of chasing a new fanbase that never had any interest in the sport in the first place? I’ve never heard of such a thing in my life.

So the hipsters haven’t immediately taken to a game invented by Canadians and popularized in the Upper Midwest? Knock me over with a feather.

Ugh. Burneko’s whiny anti-everything not BernieBro columns are what is bullshit. This is just an angry rant with zero substance and a lot of hate for South Park, for some reason. Probably because Burneko is a PC Bro.

I believe Enlightened was the most underappreciated show of all time. It got decent critical love, but never generated enough buzz to break through. Do you think it was because it dealt primarily with difficult issues from a woman’s point of view?