Bob Sacamano


I guess I'm glad I'm too old to not even know wtf a Pop Funko is.

Apparently you didn't see Steven Amell on America Ninja Warrior. Diggle Vs Mac, White Canary vs Agent May, Barry Vs. Fitz would be some good match ups, otherwise.

There was an old SNL episode spoof of this they called "Network Battle of the T&A".

Unfortunately I have never seen The Wire ( I swear one day I will get around to it.) so I was unaware of anything he did prior to OITNB.

Explain Paul Rudd and Keanu Reeves-THEORY DEBUNKED!

She's an anti-dentite as well!

Ahhh the days when Hollywood tried to make Sinbad a thing.

Indeed, I had to look it up myself, didn't really think he would have turned out to be quite a talented actor.

My buddy and I were the only ones in a theater for A Knights Tale, which for some reason we decided to see after getting smashed.

He was on the first three (or four) seasons on Orange is the New Black as Pornstache, an asshole guard, I couldn't believe his range when my wife told me the Leprechaun was the same dude.

I really hope this shuts the DC fan boys up with their conspiracy theories of why the movies get bad reviews. I like both DC and Marvel so I mean, you have to just accept that DC (I suppose until now, haven't seen WW yet) was just making shitty movies.

Oh douche, like I give two shits about what a moronic asshat like yourself thinks. Obviously you lie about your own life to think I would. So anytime I want a good laugh and a reminder that there are pathetic losers who for some reason are as arrogant as you banging away at keyboards in their parents basement, I'll

Again, a dude that has to tell people how funny he is calling me humorless,amazing. And you calling me a pathetic loser is irony in its finest. You obviously haven't moved out of your parents basement. I've traveled the world before I got married and would never want to be anywhere besides where I am. You are an

Lol That'll be the day when I take parenting advice from a pompous ass like you that can't even get a girlfriend. My kids wife and kids have more sense than you so it's not an issue. I know living in the state with the Rock n roll Hall of Fame , pro football hall of fame and best amusement park in the world is sooo

Lol being an idiot must be really, really exhausting

Lol cite your sources nutjob. Networks lost viewership because of the Kapernick ordeal. The NFL lost nothing. Listen, when you wake up tomorrow, next month, next year, next decade, next fifty years. The NFL will still be there. Deal with it

Thanks for pointing out what complete moron you are to think I'm sitting at a computer. Guess you've never heard of smart phones. And if my family is imaginary then I guess I've changing phantom diapers two years for two kids for nothing. Enjoy being a loser while I enjoy living in this great state that you envy.

I never once suggested I would, you fuckin loon. But guess what, your little hissy fit against the NFL won't stop it from being ubiquitous.

Lol you are insane.