Bob Sacamano

So you're saying people go to games for the cheerleaders? Buy merchadise because of them? GTFO here with your stupidity.

You are fucking insane. I have zero delusions that I will ever own a team. For the tenth time, these are at will employees. If you don't like the job, you leave. That simple. Go back to watching soccer where no one in this country cares about what's going on with it.

Maybe the owners should pay the fans to come watch too? I never made an argument for lower wages. Your reasoning is amazingly non coherent.

Holy shit they are AT WILL employees working part time. They are stay at home mom's or college students making an extra bucks. NO ONE is forcing them to do it. Are you seriously this stupid?

Someone defending their misunderstanding of grammar= idiot. I have a great sense of humor, what you're failing to realize is that you do not. Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back for your horrible jokes, because no one else will. Now I will be leaving you to go outside and enjoy this beautiful Ohio

No, idiot. Cheerleading is not their job. Again, they try out. Your aggression is just baffling

You got me. Your lack of understanding the basics of grammar is completely my fault. Like I said, it showed me all I need to know about you. Someone who makes up for their intellectual shortcomings by being a blowhard asshole. You really should have your own show on Fox news.

Will do. You proved your intellect in your original comment by not knowing the difference between " worse" and "worst". Kudos.

Likewise, buttercup. Cute that you think this is on my mind other than getting notifications. Keep thinking you're not an complete asshole, your comment history shows otherwise.

Nevermind the irony in your last statement. I know people like you don't get embarrassed, which is all the more embarrassing for you. Hilarious you think you've hurt my feelings with your off base name calling. I didn't reframe anything, you were the original asshole and still are. Its obvious your ego matches that of

Lol your arguments have become asinine. Cheerleaders are not full time jobs.

Well you can say that about any league and the stadiums within. I will always defend the NFL as a former amatuer player myself and a fan. The NFL is multi billion dollar organization that produces the highest tv ratings, it isn't going anywhere, so get used to it. No one is holding a gun to the players heads to step

Lol. Yea I'm projecting. Says the guy that elbows people's in the ribs after telling a joke no one laughs at saying "get it?" Yea dude everyone gets it, you're just not funny, and again just embarassing yourself, with your deflected attacks.

Yes. It's not like you can go get a bank loan to buy a team. These guys are mogules of of other endeavers that work hard their whole life to be successful. Add that to the pressure from the fanbase and community to put forth a winning team as well as having to make every personnel decision. I'd say they have their

Nope , 20/20 vision here. I'm sorry you're having a hard time coming to terms with this. I really am. At this point you're just embarrassing yourself.

Actually the average shelf life is half that. And they are paid that much because they are the product of a multi billion business.

I calls em as I sees em. Don't really Care if you see the truth as immature.

Well there are claims he is autistic..

Well, he is pretty old.

I'm sure their fan thinks about them all the time. Singular form intentional.