Bob Sacamano

Dude, if you were banging Jenny McCarthy and she was a anti-vaxxing, flat-earther climate denier who was also a creationist, you'd convert too.

I disagree, just about anything from Dumb and Dumber still holds water.


But we also got stuart Smalley and Linda Richmond!

I agree, MMA you know you are going to get hurt and are actively trying to hurt the other guy. Football injuries are a side effect of playing a contact sport and not supposed to be the goal of the game.

Your arguments aren't holding very much weight. While college kids play for the shot at the big payday, there is also a thing called the love of the game. I know this. I played football for 10 years knowing I would never be good enough to play at a top level college program. No one ever said "they want to hurt

The flip side of this is that these people are voluntarily doing it because they enjoy it. And I'm not sure what you consider little to no pay but the NFL minimum salary for 2017 is $615,000, and that's for low end players. Unless you are a multimillionaire, that's not little to no pay. These guys chose to work in a

Die another Day- the only Bond film I've ever seen in a theater..and still the only Bond film I've seen all the way thru.

Fun fact- Minority Report was supposed to be a sequel to Total Recall.

"How's your mother?" "Good, she's tired from fucking my father". I like that one just a little more.

Yea tell me about it, my friend loved it without 3-D, everyone else was talking about how awesome it was visually..I was out in the cold and had no desire to re-watch it just for 3-D.

I regret not seeing Avatar in 3d. The friend I was with insisted we had to see it opening weekend, and the theater we went to didn't offer in 3d. While everyone else was fawning over how great the effects were, I was left just going "meh" because I wasn't really impressed with the rehashed Dances with Wolves story

I'm glad you are able to recognize your own shortcomings, next step is remedying them.

It's cute that I upset someone who cracks very unfunny jokes. I'm betting you make racist and sexist jokes as well and then attack the people who may be offended by them. Real stand up person you must be. Wouldn't be surprised in the least if you said you voted for Trump

Nah I'm good. Of course you said it was a joke AFTER the fact. I suppose next is the apology a la Kathy Griffin. And snark? On AV club? Preposterous I tell you!

Says the guy who flippantly described an entire state as "the worse". Pot callin the kettle black, bub.

I always find it funny when people from other states that are infinitely shittier than Ohio try to dog on it.

I think I'd rather see that than any GOP rants on why this happening is a great thing and anyone who disagrees is a snowflake.

Sorry man, I just don't see the justification of giving an MVP award to a guy who can't get his team out of the first round, or even make it a fight.

Well, you are supposed to call a doctor if it persists for more than 4 hours, but since all doctors went to "liberal brain washing college", they don't trust them and are just trying to use grandma's homemade boner balm to get it down.