Bob Sacamano

Yeah, but his team got swept in the first round..

I'm interested to know how "Ohio is simply the worse"?

Yea me too, but I guess they just pulled it from what he or link was actually doing in Encino man when he said the phrase

According to urban dictionary, it's drinking something directly from the nozzle it dispensed from (slurpee machine, boxed wine,.)

Why you harshin on my chill when I'm munchin on some grindage, buuuuudd?

He will wheeze the juuuu-iiiice for everyone!


Holy shit the recorder playing the intro, horrible.

Good for him, I wish I could be that enthusiastic about …anything.


I have a college friend that's almost 40 and discusses wrestling on his podcast. The podcast isn't just about wrestling, but even touching on the subject matter is dumb.

"if I was pope this guy would be in jail" " crooked pope" ," loser"


Well she pretty much broke up with him at the end anyway when he tried to fuck his ex girlfriend.

Mountain Dew Code Red* fixed that for you.

Mug Mug?

"Look at that terrible, horrible hat. It's the worst hat ever. I am the best Catholic in the history of the world, no one can Catholic better than me, believe me! This guy in the funny hat is a loser! SAD!"

Yep, the Asian pirate made her captain of his ship when he died, therefore making her a pirate lord who gets a vote at council. I think it was actually Jack Sparrows scheming that made her queen, as every other pirate voted for him or herself, but Sparrow voted for her , so she won with a majority vote of 2.

Yep, he and Trump turned conservatives into progressives, so there is hope for anyone with a brain!

Pauly Shore