Bob Sacamano

I agree, but your bacon is really just ham.

But where do you live, because you either gave good beer or shitty beer.

Well, duh. We have the variety and low costs of junk food. England (sorry I'm assuming) has ….liver?

I accept anyone who throws frivolous u's into words!

I think it was supposed to be Ricardo Montelban.

Get out of our country! Americans don't put needless "u"s in words like favorite. But in all seriousness, you can stay, if you are even here.

And a pizza shop?

I'm gettin too old for this shit.

Don't forget pussy grabbing!

No where in this article does it mention that he's started wearing a cup, so I swift kick to nuts still works. When doubles over from that pain, the glasses will most likely come flying off anyway, leaving the whole thing a moot point since his de-spectacled face will be wide open for any incoming fists.

Pan you please stop that, you're frying my brain.

I see your point. Basically the "pay a little now or a lot later" principle. But it seems like we are paying a lot now, though.

Interesting, since he's a pretty vocal politician now. What other endeavors is he looking at, do you know?

Can Joe Kennedy be the hero this country deserves?

I think you are grossly underestimating just how many idiots are still sticking by Chief Cheeto and only want to see "liberals cry". I think it's not about getting people to swing to the left, it's about getting the people who didn't want to vote for either but picked one (Trump) because they thought HE was the lesser

I thought Rage Against the Machine already took the blame for Nu-Metal, there was an article here on AV club where Tom Morello specifically apologized for Limp Bizkit,

Can't argue that.

You make a good point, Ohio's public school system is in the shithouse because kasich said we could just use funds from the surplus he created for Ohio. Problem is, there was no surplus and he in fact had created a deficit. Enjoy your tour ,Johnny boy!

Try living in Ohio where our dickbag governor is spending all his time out promoting the book he wrote about not being able to beat fellow shitbag Trump in the primaries.

Well it is like the Matrix, you die there you die in the real world.