Bob Sacamano

True, but they have the comfort of knowing that it wasn't real. Like Daisy's reasoning to Mack, the people are just lines of code.

My first case of that was the Green Goblin, such great cheekbones!

Avoid the Son of Sam, it has more bark than bite.

Hey I have a banana suit I wear on Halloweens that I'm too lazy to out and get a new one, so why wouldn't someone else keep old costumes?

Yea pretty sure Iceman has been doing it long before a movie that came out in the 21st century did.

But that's not in the "real" world.

I can barely tolerate statements like these anymore.

You dumb libtard, Trump would have flown his jet pack up there and made the necessary repairs to the shuttle himself, then it would have been so much better than what even the rocket scientists designed that it would have landed on Jupiter.

Also see Lucas, George.

Cersei, this is a family site, if you don't quiet down I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

Yep, true story.

I am forever amazed at your ability to not only quote MST3k, but also ability to site the episode name, number and person who said it. You deserve an award.

You want me to be Mosquito Man?

You read my mind, the hash brown casserole is amazing. I'm quite fond of the egg sandwich as well.

I'm kinda surprised not more people have finished it, I was done last weekend.

Come on man, who doesn't love a story about a man and his monkey?

Perhaps, I know I never blocked her, I kind of enjoy watching idiots embarrass themselves.

Speaking of which, I don't see Jenna trolling the CW superhero shows anymore.

But at least he's not garbage on fire..

K, I will.