Bob Sacamano

What gave it away?

But he's Miley's dad! What other one hit wonder produced such successful offspring?!!!

That the one starring Gordon Levitt?

I fixed it!

Not sure how you came up with that , I guess your original point was Steph Curry's cock tastes great."

Renee Zelwegger has no idea what you are talking about.

Hey man if Adam Sandler can recycle his concert goer guy from Weekend Update for Little Nicky , them Mike Myers has carte blanche to do whatever he likes.

If you are gonna cite the movie, and least get the title right! It's "So I Married an Axe Murderer."

I think he is genuinely amazed that other guys don't get erections when doing love scenes with gorgeous women. I kinda am too.

Eh, he's still doing Baskets, I think he's fine.

Can't wait for black Who's Harry Crumb.

This movie taught me that when using paper for a fire, you gotta twist it up, twist it up.

That, plus regular talk shows are limited by time, whereas Stern can interview someone for two hours if need be.

Yep, and he still is of the opinion that Trump never actually wanted to be President in the first place.

For me I found the entire first season kind of grating, but after that it took off for me.

How about this, I hate everything the Beatles ever did.

I think if this movie would have came out AFTER the influx of super hero movies it may have been better received.

Jimmy Buffett actually does a good cover of that.

If you don't listen to his interviews you are missing out. Even the people he interviews take a step back and say "wow, I can't believe you got me to talk about that". He has a way of getting celebrities to open up like no one else.

Trump was on many times, but that's one of the great things about Stern, he doesn't suck up to his guests, he was an adamant Hillary supporter, even after being promised trips to Camp David by Trump.