Bob Sacamano


Yeah I skipped over that part because I was too distracted by the caps lock thing. Don't understand how I am deflecting though, since I made a comment that was obvious to everyone who could see and no question was asked towards me. But, ok.

Well, because that would be stating the obvious.

My chart is more of a pie chart.

Yeah Jimmy saying that Chuck would die alone implies that Jimmy would not be there..

I think your caps lock button is broke.

Powerless had a quick Batman cameo, I mean you only say the zip line thing , but it was something, plus the boss is Bruce Wayne's cousin, who desperately wants to work in the same office as Bruce.

"The lack of Barbara in this episode is appalling"-something no one would have ever said in season 1.

All my best friends are metalheads!

Hawaii is some island in the Pacific Ocean!! NOT AMERICAN!!

You do make a valid point, that some people are just "take that!" immature, but I also think stupidity is an equal factor, so let's call it 50/50 spiteful people and stupid people.

He at least had a more complex luggage combination than him. I'm betting Trumps code to anything is 1111.

He knows what words mean, believe me, he knows more about the meaning of words more so than linguists and scholars anywhere! Fake comment! Sad.

And just the smugness on him..uggh! Howard Stern has him on sometimes and Andy proclaims himself the "Top Gay" of America..PUHLEEEAZE. He "let" George Takai "have" that title for George's birthday one day last week and I wanted to barf because George is 3000000 times the man Andy Coen is.

I didn't think this was going to be all political…but I'm throwing my non political annoying personality out there, Andy Cohen, I despise him for not only his over exaggerated boisterous personality, but that fact that he created the most loathsome of franchises ever in those housewives shows.

Well, that's kind of the definition of a plot hole, things that happened that don't make sense and aren't explained.

But that begs of the question of how were they able to contact the ship without anyone else but Cipher knowing about, and it still doesn't answer the question of how they got him into the Matrix and back onto the ship without anyone else knowing..since seemingly everyone else was on the ship when he had his meeting.

Yeah, but that would imply that he would have need to leave the ship in and meet with them in the real world in order to get him into the matrix, which would be pointless if he was meeting them in the real world. It is what it is, just a big ol plot hole.

Well, no one does, it's never explained. Hence the gaping plot hole.

Which also brings about the movies gaping plot hole, how did Cipher get into the Martix to have that meeting with Smith when it was shown you need to have an operator get you and get you back out..