Bob Sacamano

And minus reproductive organs.

Depends, did you get yourself a gun?

Chip Baskets would like a word with you.

No, it's Holden, but Banky agrees to it.

But Mallrats and Clerks had come out before this…

He tries to screw them in an uncomfortable place.

You mean…Canadians?

Someone say glorious, mulletted hair?

No mention of Punch-Out!? When you get knocked out your bad sport opponent literally walks up to the camera and laughs in your face!

Are you talking about Fester's Quest, or was that a different game? I find it hard to believe there was more than one Addams Family based video game..but then again.there were the movies.

Am I remembering wrong, but shouldn't May have been cocooned as well being exposed to Terrigen mist? I mean, isn't that how Tripp died??? I know things work differently in the framework, but at least some explanation as to why May could just stand there would have helped.

I find it odd that I was smoking you as I read your reply.

I find it out that I was smoking you as I read this.

Well, there ARE teachers forcing kids to pray to Allah in elementary school! (Insert picture of kids doing tornado drill).

As someone who lives near Cleveland, I can assure you there has been utter terror around these parts for fear of him showing up, since they couldn't find that fucker.

And in an hour he is going to have the most beautiful bowl of shit in his bathroom that you've ever seen!

Saul Goodman is on his speed dial..

Not funny haha, funny queer. MmmmHmmmm.

Even more so if the tree happens to be sentient.

Why, Andy Dick is their arch nemesis, Annoyatron!