Bob Sacamano


I meant that he had some weird mental powers that never, ever were explained.

*cough* what the fuck was up with Walt *cough*.

Who was a re-gifter, trust me, I know he was.

Are you going to tell us an interesting story about a bridge, Buzz Killington?

I had a friend whose girlfriend did that to him one time and she thought it was hilarious. She found herself single on April 2.

Those are her true colors, shining thru.

Tony Siragusa's awards don't carry much weight, though. Unlike him.

What are you talking about , it's great, my 3 year old son just recently found about monster trucks so all we hear for 10 hours a day is about monster trucks or watching monster trucks, it's amazing!

Man these fuckin kids doing backflips on the beach? Back in my day we were too fucked up to even stand up straight on the beach during these types of outings.

Let me guess, that guy was a hardcore Christian too?

Oh the irony that a troll is telling us the be shameful for calling trolls trolls.

Don't hate the country, hate the outdated electoral college and minority that got agent orange elected.

You'd be surprised at the number of movies that have novelizations.

Words I've never heard from Mrs. Sacamano.

From the novelization-Their jobs are not mentioned in the film. The novelization says that his
father is a successful businessman and his mother is a fashion
designer, which accounts for all the mannequins that Kevin used to stage
the "party".
So yeah it's implies they are very well off.

The presents were gifted by that toy store owner. Also, in the second one they were coming back from Miami, not Paris.

Supergirl? Just a cheap knockoff of her cousin. SAD! I'd pop some tic-tacs, grab her by the p*ssy and she'd love it, believe me, all female superheroes love me. I'm the most loved by all female superheroes, believe me!

Just what I wanted for my birthday.. ugh.