Bob Sacamano

The avclub being a time waster goes without saying.

Well, the combo to his luggage is 12345..

You misspelled vague although I'm sure it was done mistakeChunLee.

To showcase the buffoonery of President Scroob.

And Porky Pig.

Yea, but for almost 40 years no one knew that. Wait are you suggesting Paul Ryan is our Galen Erso?

Exactly what I was going to say, the exhaust port being left open to an attack that causes complete destruction is kind of incompetent buffoonery.

As a Browns fan, I can tell you that it isn't that hard to be rebuilding for 20 years.

Can't it be both?

This was like the Rebels destroying that Death Star that both Vader and the Emperor both weren't on. Yeah a good victory in saving millions, but the perpetrators of it's design are still out there, planning their next move.

Casually drop my name and you'll get free Canadian bacon for life. SPOILER ALERT- it's just ham.

The best choice to write "Stuart saves his Country"?

Wouldn't the word you're looking for be propaganda?

Facebook is a useful time waster.

And Baltimore stood in for the Land in Major League 2, this was well before Cleveland started providing major tax breaks for studios to shoot here.

Potato, Potahto, Cleveland is the go to city for any stand-in now. Also, Cleveland stood in for Cleveland during parts of Howard the Duck.

The flying bird suit would contradict that.

I'm not sure if EGO is going to be villain or not..

Cleveland is the got o for New York Stand-in's now. See Spiderman 3, The Avengers, Capt America-Te Winter Soldier.

Looks like it.