Bob Sacamano

Sooo you want Mel Gibson as Spider-Man?

Indeed, Desperate Measures was on one of the movie channels just last night, and he does in fact do menacing very effectively.

Kevin Bacon objects to this casting.

Well even in the Rogue Cut she can't fly nor doesn't appear to have superhuman strength, so apparently Ms. Marvel isn't around in this reality.

A few months ago when DOFP was on regular rotation on HBO/Cinemax, they always played the Rogue Cut. I appreciated that I didn't have to watch the DVD to catch it..and I was pleasantly surprised that they played directors cuts of movies.

When X-Men:DOFP plays on HBO, they show the Rogue Cut for some reason, good on them.

There is no "m" in Bon Jovi

John Malkevich, you mean.

She's making beer, with noodles!

It's easier to make them watch, because after 2 minutes they are willing.

Anytime we do something we know we shouldn't my friends and I still use the line "I did not know I couldn't do that."

His bit about his friend Chip getting pulled over and getting out trouble just by saying " I didn't know I couldn't do that" get me every time. "Funny thing Dave, I DID know I couldn't do that."

He had better chemistry because he created them! Mike was just a freeloader they picked up! GAHHHHHH.

Watch his stand up special "Killing them Softly". I watched both the new ones on Netflix this weekend, and they were good, but Killing them Softly was sublime.

WTF he left it on a cliffhanger?? TAKE ALL MY MONEY I NEED TO SEE WHAT HE SAYS NEXT!!


4:30, Ferris is clearly mentioned.

DId you guys not watch the same video I did? Ferris Bueller is clearly shown at the 4:30 marked and discussed at length!

It was Ox talls!

Fargin Iceholes!