Bob Sacamano

You're just NOW starting to think Republicans supporters don't know how things work?

Only problem with this comment is that Shannon hasn't been cast yet, still a rumor.

Back in the day, sure, now I lack the required frock to do so.

My twin 3 year olds don't seem to have any issue with them. In facts they are so unafraid that sometimes they will slide down feet first on their stomachs at break neck speeds.

Holy fuck I spit out my drink.great one!

Because they're doing it All For Love!

Well, that makes more sense, my argument was going to be the lack of lens flares withing the group proves he was not part of it.

Actually I think it's more towards families with small children, because they rent childrens movies for free. And since children can't rent movies, I'm guessing the strategy is to get the parents in, get the kids movie and then maybe pick up something you want to see as well. I may be wrong but I don't think you even

It's a solid…just OK.

We recently moved from a town that had 2 family videos within 5 miles of each other to a town that has a Family Video 1 mile from our house. Amazes me that place is still in business. I guess they never tried (and failed spectacularly) the home delivery service that costs Blockbuster millions.

J.J. Abrams had nothing to do with Color Me Badd!

Wait isn't that some weird bull riding movie? Pass.

So not one mention in the article or in the comments that this movie was pitched as a fucking Schwarzeneggar/ Stallone movie?

I can do voice impressions pretty well and still crack my friends when I use his line "It's sooo early, you guys want to get some coffee or something?".

Whatever happened to Ed bellamy?

They threw in subtle references to it as well, with her best friend being obsessed with Shakespeare, and JGL quoting him to woo her.

There was also Cool World too, I think it was just a satire of the whole animated character/live action character mingling together, even though the audience for it wasn't that big. It just added to the absurdity of Arnold's movie world (all females were gorgeous, every phone number started with 555 , etc,)

While it doesn't embody the 90's, Forrest Gump always makes me remember them.

Family Video seems to still be going strong where I live.

Best thing Luke Perry's ever done outside of 90210- I am omitting The Fifth Element because he was in it for about 3 minutes.