
Uh, you know that’s the line from Airplane, right?

Now playing

This will probably be posted a dozen times in the time it takes me to write this, but:

The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the red zone.

I put the old bar sliver on top of a new bar (while both are wet) because they then meld together. Then it’s all good. Weighs less and is smaller than body wash

How about an old fashioned baseball bat/2x4/lead pipe upside the head?

How to Eat Candy the Matt Way:

We were exiled from our home for nearly 3 months and had to stay in a One Fine Stay (which was not great or even “fine”) for part of it and at the new Beekman Hotel for part of it (which was really pretty nice). On our last day at the Beekman, the doorman presented my toddler with a black and white (the hotel’s decor

Stay at the park.

Some of this blog post I wrote is niche (military wedding at Disney), but half of it is planning the honeymoon which is indistinguishable from a kid-free vacation.

Especially for kids, but works for adults, too:

Absolutely. Magic Kingdom may not hold much fun for childless adults (it’s way too crowded) but Epcot is grown folk playground, especially when a festival (Food and wine or flower fest) is going on. The countries all get these special walk up with specialized cuisine and alcohol. The food sizes are small but that’s

You need to:

Saving money:

It’s easy to miss, but there’s a Coca-Cola attraction in Epcot called Club Cool where you can try free Coke products from around the world. Some are great, like Kinley, a lemon-flavored soda from Israel.

Right. The headline would be more appropriate/accurate if it were something like “Honda Driven by Meatbag Runs Red Light and Hits Innocent Autonomous Van”

After watching the recently released video, I would say no, because the autonomous Civic would not have blown through the red light.

I bet a human caused it.

Oh, I don’t know.. humans aren’t always so good at that, either. Like this Accord driver who swerved into oncoming traffic to avoid one car, and hit another.