Hey, leave those kids alone.
Hey, leave those kids alone.
...but then how can you have any pudding?
wiring is definitely involved since you’ll be changing the entire outlet. it’s super easy, though. just make sure you turn off the breaker for that specific area your outlet is in and pop up the old one and install the new one, keeping track of which wires you popped out of where on the old one so that you can put…
wiring is definitely involved since you’ll be changing the entire outlet. it’s super easy, though. just make sure…
Baloney. This is a ploy by BIG GNOME (Underpants and Garden Divisions working on concert, obviously) to obtain our skivvies.
Alternatively, you can take soil samples to a local agricultural extension and get a pretty thorough analysis for cheap, probably as cheap if not cheaper than a pair of cotton undies.
You only get the capital gains tax rate if you stay invested in whatever stock that you’re invested in for more than a year. I think that part of the idea was to promote market stability. Imagine how the markets would be if everybody was a day trader, selling on the least rumor of bad news. I’ll bet that most of…
So the crux of this argument is you don’t define investment banking as work?
I’m guessing you don’t invest much. Have you considered that millions of these greedy fat-cat investors are individuals like you and me, investing their hard-earned after-tax dollars? And what about the ever-present risk of losing a big chunk of your life savings - isn’t that risk worth something? Maybe one day, when…
This is likely the dumbest thing I’ve ever read written by someone who has no idea how the economy works. This is a good place to start: https://taxfoundation.org/why-capital-gains-are-taxed-lower-rate/
So the money that was invested wasn’t worked for or taxed at a higher rate to begin with? Got it. Perhaps everyone should have the opportunity to invest in something that will provide long term capital gains and not waste it on stupid shit like big screen TV’s, flashy clothes, new cars, etc. Yes, I’m making broad…
This article just proves the problem with society. You write the half truth and uneducated people take it as the full truth. I paid capital gains tax on my investments so that must mean that I am paying a“ lower rate on that than you are, even though you fucking work for your money.” The problem with this is that I…
I’m no Paul Krugerman, but it seems to me that a higher capital gains tax would lead to a recalculation of the risk factor whereby people make investments (i.e. give money to people who want to use it to do things - open restaurants, build houses, etc.) and cause the economy to slow down considerably.
Same as you do kids: duct tape.
Great work. Although it might have been easier to get to the truth if you had set up a...
“Who are three people who’ve never been in my kitchen?” - Cliff Clavin
How I see roundabouts:
I mean, the thing is that this is an issue where there are legitimate disagreements about methodology and conclusions. It’s very hard to do sound social science on these topics. Reasonable people can reasonably disagree about the size and sources of the wage gap. But as soon as you accuse anyone who thinks the gap is…
You can’t say bomb on an airplane
Agreed. If your travel plans are flexible enough to take the delay, volunteering gives the highest expected profit as there is no way to arrange that you’ll be the one involuntarily bumped. This has an additional bonus of not risking screwing up someone else’s travel plans who might not have the flexibility yours do.
Nah, you'd just go into the package delivery business, perhaps as a courier.