Only, if he were the best, we wouldn’t know it was happening. In point of fact, he’s quite terrible at it.
Only, if he were the best, we wouldn’t know it was happening. In point of fact, he’s quite terrible at it.
Trump's margin of victory was so small (80,000 votes across 3 states) that I think it's safe to assume that the trolls could have helped tip the scales, especially when it came to convincing leftists to stay home or vote for Comrade Stein. Of course, James Comey's letter and the complicit MSM didn't help either.
I forget what weight it is when the condemned will be decapitated from the force of hanging but Trump’s fat-ass has to be close to it.
Hahaha nothing will happen to anyone. These are all wealthy white men. They will not even receive a sternly worded letter.
Nothing matters. Lets just drink our way into the long slide toward the abyss.
What the hell does that mean in English?
This is why the 2018 and 2018 elections will not be wholesale rejections of Republicans. Most Americans just don’t pay attention to politics, except as background noise. A headline or soundbite breaks through (“Are they sending kids to concentration camps?”) but a few obfuscations later (Oh, its what was done before”…
So this is it huh? You banned me for mild criticism meanwhile the neo-Nazis in the greys never get banned? Nice to see what your priorities are. I’m going to contact the people at the site about this, because your ego isn’t a valid reason to ban people.
I’m old, and Canadian, I do not understand any of this.
Christ, today’s a day chock full of “The fuck even is this?"
1. Fuck his hungry racist ass
No, they haven’t.
Eat shit and die, libtard! /s
Admittedly, that kind of sounds like a dick move, not that Kelly doesn’t deserve it.
If you thought that magic lighting was something, wait until Shine starts putting Trump in short skirts and seats him behind transparent desks.
Absolutely nothing that I just read has any place in the real world. None of it. Not one fucking word. Jesus tapdancing Christ.
Well here’s a good question for a Democrat in on the judicial committee:
I don’t know why it hadn’t occurred to me before that SCOTUS seats are just as much for sale as any other political office, but I see it now.
YES PLEASE!! Twitter has taken up the shaming task for that group of white-nationalist-state GOPsters, but I should really like to see that story get WAY more loud.
Everyone knows that Trump used The Kremlin to subvert and nearly destroy our democracy through online trolling.
You don’t have to be an attorney to file a complaint with the CA state BAR Association. You also don’t have to be an attorney to file a complaint with Selyem’s boss, Mike Ramos.