Richard Williams

This makes me hope that one day a Democratic president pardons somebody to cover up a murder

Although it would be quite poetic if it was nature or a pollution-related mishap that causes his demise, I also hope it either happens sooner than later and that he winds up penniless before the end (lawsuit of some kind, perhaps).

That’s remarkably naive, anonymous bro.

I really don’t want to sympathize with anyone from this administration, but honestly, given the choice between my dog and 90% of humanity, I’d kinda have to go with my dog.

I’d choose any dog over any person any day. Twice on Sundays. 

Honestly, I’m sympathetic to this one to a certain extent.

Think of the childrens.


Yeah, because state elections of judges goes so well.

The last thing we need is dark money flowing into SCOTUS elections. Jesus Christ.

The Supreme Court has lost all legitimacy. Just like the rest of the judicial system. Just like the police. Just like ICE. Just like all right winger politicians. Just like Trump.

The U.S. failed to achieve its objectives in Vietnam to the fullest.

Teddy Roosevelt more-or-less stole the Panama Canal zone from Colombia.

Not quite as verbally abusive as many of her press beratings briefings, though it could easily be a representative sampling. The usual tortured “logic” and “do as I say, not as I do” elements are perfectly in place.

Or insulted a gold star family. Or mocked and debased a veteran and POW about being captured, or a woman about her looks, or victims of a terrorist attack (although not Muslim so it’s not terrorism), or, oh god this list could get really long.

It’s literally in the manual about how abusers work. Psychologists have an acronym for it and everything.

You can type shit. This isn’t a Mormon potluck.

I think it’s sad the situation and where politics have gotten.

It is not civil to politely ask people to leave. When you don’t want another person to be in a certain place, the civil thing to do is separate them from their families, kidnap and imprison their children indefinitely, and lock them up. This is precisely what the people at the restaurant failed to do. Be civil. Be

“Sarah, the President recently tweeted that a sitting congresswoman was a very low IQ person, is that civil?”