no. no, it really is not. a comment is not the same as an actual article.
also chances are it might be more entertaining to watch a drunk person bomb because they don't care that they're bombing
undoubtedly the best u2 song.
great. made it through the entire christmas season without a single thought of suicide and now this bummed me out majorly for some reason -_-
feeding you a line about something to do with feces? man, this guy really knows how to play deadspin. and he's got his publicity out of it as planned.
not that it makes it that much better but everyone always assumed this was about aphrodisiacs and not roofies or something. of course, knowing what he did the entire time this takes on an even more sinister meaning.
ian hislop put it best in have i got news for you: everyone had heard the rumours, but no one had any actual proof except for those to who it happened. and they weren't in a state, monetary and mentally, to file charges. saville was very crafty in that way.
argos and "successful" - never mind the fact that argos games are played in front of a half-empty stadium now :/
it's not that easy to be life-threateningly injured while playing cricket so this is even more of a shock.
i sure as hell can. enough with the fucking disney already.
every time an answer to a comment gets more recs than the comment itself a jets cheerleader gets her wings
gamers aren't all sexist monsters! and to prove that let's harass a female game developer until she's driven out of her home!
who knows - by the time catalunya is independent the top clubs might have already split off and formed a european super league -_-
st. louis is safe, nashville is about as safe as a southern team could get. the panthers will hopefully be in quebec city sooner or later. and why would ottawa be in trouble?
i always assumed it was just phoenix tv money
then again: we put him in a poor people's home, you elected him chancellor ;)
yhea. the east-west thing is complicated. and everyone can understand places like duisburg not wanting to finance places like jena anymore.
and then again the linke in east germany in more like nrw-spd anyways. the real crackpot lefties are in the west german linke.
it's different. our nazis are suiting up badly and sitting in parliament, your nazis are terrorizing immigrants in east german cities and shooting owners of kebap stores.
then again... you do have the afd now. so we both have nazis suiting up badly and sitting in parliament.
oh, another german punching down towards austria. no wonder everyone loves you people.