Richard Hayden

Racist...a leftist's best shot...and it's usually an apologetic white person who lives in a gated community and drives an SUV with a full tank of gas topped off lest they get stuck in a poor section of town...

Maybe it will end like Shawshank Redemption.

He can always get new inmates or have the first all white team in the past 60 something years...that would be a hoot.

That’s a good one.

For some reason the little bitch liberal left wants the U.S. to pay the tab while China and India go scott-free....For some reason, they want illegal criminals and terrorists in the country.... For some reason, Trump got elected President.

Didn’t know Michael was Egyptian.

Anyone who lies awake at night worrying about this is a fool’s fool.

Only if it’s 8 inches or more.

Why are we asking hispanics (aliens) to save our planet?

To the author, you are a jerk.

Wtf is this about? Does it have anything to do with reality? Oh, it’s a junior high thing...OK, I guess?

Hamilton Nolan, I’m glad you’re not my psychologist. Truth be told, you are no ones psychologist. Stop misusing your column. It’s not worth the bags of cash they’re throwing your way.