
I thought this was a great episode - maybe even top 10 overall. And a relief after the previous 4 episodes that felt tired and vacuous. I’d rate it equal to episode one of this series which seems to be undervalued by some fans.

Strange grade. I thought this by far the best of the new series - tightly plotted, subplots weaving together and speaking to resonating themes (the upper classes paying people for services, prostitution/therapy/the real estate agent). Unlike the first 3 episodes Larry’s rants weren’t random and un-motivated - this was

I wonder what ‘Laura’ was whispering to Cooper. That this (seasons 1-3) was all his dream? Her dream? Jaynee E’s dream (I believe the latter is left open by the insertion into episode 18 of the scene where Dougie opens the red door)? We can speculate forever, but aesthetically it was shocking to see the ‘Twin Peaks’

What if all three seasons of Twin Peaks are Janey E’s dream? I mean what if all the characters and events of the three seasons are to Janey E what the ‘events’ of Mullholland Drive are to Naomi Watts’ character in that movie - that is, a kind of masturbatory fantasy piecing together fragments of ‘real’ events (maybe