SID 8.0

When the president starts doing racist impersonations of Asian people, demanding everyone pay attention to them at all times, and says the absolute wrong thing at the wrong time, will Jack Ryan look at the camera and shrug?

I hear they are doing rewrites where the president in the movie tweets insults at Jack Ryan and his wife and a Congressional committee releases a classified memo outing him to the world.

A trailer is an absurd thing to review. (Also an absurd thing to have a teaser for.) This was not a review, it was... commentary is the best term, I suppose.

Super Bowl? What’s a Super Bowl? Surely you mean THE BIG GAME™. How dare you use the actual name of this sporting event when you are not the beer company or whatever the fuck that owns it?

WTF kind of review was that?

I it is a bit ironic that your HATRED of the president of the United States was the only thing message I got from your review. Someone who HATES discussing how they are revolted by someone else who HATES.

Great review. Thanks for wasting everyone’s time with your ignorant review.

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Is Jack Ryan going to have a nebbishy by-the-book colleague that he undermines at every turn?

but a TV show about a dedicated CIA operative trying to conduct poorly planned missions ordered by a racist maniac would probably be a lot less entertaining than Amazon is hoping this will be.

There was a period 6 or 9 months ago where 2/3 of the trailers I saw in the theater (on one visit to the theater!) involved an intense scene being dropped to slow motion and/or the sound being muted, while a minor key piano/acoustic cover of an 80's pop song played. It was oddly surreal to see such an exaggerated

Oh thank God, he left us “Under Pressure.”

You know, what would’ve been good would’ve been the Johnny Cash cover of Hurt.

Can we please retire “All Along the Watchtower” from all trailers, movies, and TV shows? There are so, so many songs available, folks. Go find a new one. You’re also forbidden from using “Hallelujah,” “For What It’s Worth,” “Gimme Shelter,” literally anything by CCR, and any Motown song in any movie about group

When the president starts doing racist impersonations of Asian people, demanding everyone pay attention to them at all times, and says the absolute wrong thing at the wrong time, will Jack Ryan look at the camera and shrug?

That Hello Kitty Pez Dispenser killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die

With more Peggy Carter

Hello Kitty is was darker then Thomas the Tank Engine!!!

You mean the teaser where a guy on a motorbike was assailed with a giant, Hello Kitty, pez dispenser?

Zack Handlen = Neil Degrasse Tyson. He’s not necessarily wrong, but he’s spoiling the fun.

Yeah, I think years from now, this will be the Star Trek show that gets a fair deal of critical re-evaluation in its favor. One of the big criticisms about Trek TV in the 90s was how similar and stale Trek has become. Now comes a Trek series with some issues but “stale and safe” aren’t among them. You can never make

There was a lot about this episode that was dumb (e.g., the Emperor acting stupidly just because, Lorca wanting to get in Burnham’s pants override common sense, etc.) and happened for action demands instead of smart plot (i.e., any excuses to see Michelle Yeoh kicking ass), but I still really enjoyed it.

As always, I think Zack’s core criticism are accurate.