SID 8.0

Yep, of all Hitler’s various sins against humanity, ‘bailing out the auto industry’ is the one that really gets my goat. *eye roll*

No Iraq war, no ISIL uprising.

Maybe it’s because whenever we lefties think you righties couldn’t possibly come up with anything worse, you go ahead and surprise us.

A whole lot of people died and were tortured under Bush. I think that’s much worse than emboldening some chuds.

Believe me...believe me...believe me...believe me...
Presidential historians shall record dolt45 as the absolute worst of all time!


Bush was a shitty president, yes.

This will go much better if you recognize Lincoln was a RINO.

There have been no good Republican presidents since Lincoln. Discuss.

Heather being mistaken for Indian (or West Asian) is something Lovell herself has brought up. When she spoke of having ‘those conversations’ with casting directors she seemed to have a tinge of bitterness in her voice.

I don’t like how Arrow gets the most criticism of the four DC cw shows, lets see how creative the others are after 6 seasons, especially flash which has burned through most of his big storylines. They all have the same flaws...Arrow just does not have the ‘fun’ to fall back on when its trash, like Flash’s last

Cayden James effectively blocked access to the city, (destroying tunnels, roads, and bridges, and crashing a plane) thus no national guard a la TDKR.

I completely agree. I don’t understand what leg this Non-Arrow team is standing on since 2/3rds of them were being secretive and betraying the team. They expect trust when they’ve been with Team Arrow for what, a year? And in that time, they already lost one Canary. I hope they fail miserably.

Yes! It’s such a great touch.

I love Michael Emerson calling Laurel “Miss Lance,” shades of how he used to call Root “Miss Groves,” somewhat to her annoyance (I don’t think evil Laurel objects though).

I was genuinely concerned about Emerson in this role. Arrow doesn’t have the gravitas of something like Lost or Person of Interest, and I was worried it would be too...low?...for him and perhaps he would stand out (in a bad way).

It feels like Vigilante must have some long con angle he is playing with Cayden otherwise it makes no sense to me either. But even if so it is idiotic in itself and also because he screwed up his chance to get back with the gorgeous, badass Dinah.

Glad to see Oliver didn’t overdo it with his apology to the team. In my opinion, he doesn’t have a whole heck of a lot to be sorry for. I like Wild Dog, Black Canary, and Mister Terrific, but I’d honestly be fine if the show just zoomed in on the original Team Arrow from here on out.

This show would have been completely redeemed in my eyes if Ollie had started arguing with him over that nonsense while the other bad guys stared on in confusion.

Green Arrow: “I thought you only killed criminals!”