SID 8.0

Bowie died two years ago.

“a man who murders innocent civilians”

Yes, because those things certainly didn’t exist prior to the Punisher.

They don’t remember that he’s a remorseless cop killer, who happily murders any police officer suspected of corruption?

Jesus. That is straight up terrifying.

I’m more interested what he thinks about the cops that worship the Punisher and put his logo on their cop cars. That’s the most horrifying one for me.

From the advertisements, they’re going to lean right into the whole Dylan McDermott/Dermot Mulroney mess, which I love.


Watch it. I thought it was fun as hell.

I don’t think wikipedia definition is correct. High or low fantasy’s in the book world general is related to how much magic and such is present.

Because you probably couldn’t pronounce it. Sam Francisco was the same.

Immigrants often anglicize their names.

It wasn’t the tone that annoyed me - Smith and Edgerton bounced well off each other, for my money - but the plot that abandoned so many chances to build tension.

I want to watch this movie but I don’t want to encourage them to make more.

So it’s a remake of Theodore Rex, basically?
Someone call Nathan Rabin.

Galadriel get iPad

Shadow of War seemed to me like a repeat of Shadow of Mordor but with a handful of good new ideas and features (mainly the sieges and the ability to fly around on a drake burning things). And better graphics/bigger world, as well. I’m glad I played it and I again enjoyed slaughtering zillions of orcs, but it’s not

This was an astonishingly good year for video games, if not always the culture around them. The best games were confident, experimental, thoughtful, surprising, and entirely sincere. Wolfenstein II had a deranged vision about the horrors of American Nazism and what was needed to fight it, but it was also one it fully

It’s been a very strong year for gaming for me personally.