SID 8.0

Bogira is one of those kids who I love because they have their heart in the right place but are also my worst nightmare because they’re 99% enthusiasm and 1% intelligence. This isn’t a dig at his actual intellect, he appears to be a smart young man but....He also smacks of a kid who never set foot in college or spent

Chance the Rapper is one of those kids who I love because they have their heart in the right place but are also my worst nightmare because they’re 99% enthusiasm and 1% intelligence. This isn’t a dig at his actual intellect, he appears to be a smart young man but....He also smacks of a kid who never set foot in

Garth Brooks hosted and Chris Gaines was the musical guest, does that count?

If Donald doesn’t host in the spring when the Han Solo movie comes out, that’ll be a missed opportunity

& almost 30 years ago:

I thought this was arguably the best one this season, although it felt like there were a below-average number of sketches. Did Weekend Report just elbow them out or something?

I liked the FF sketch’s unstated joke that Steve Harvey could keep the same wife for 17 years.

Bringing on Chance to host was a risky move, but I’m surprised how well it paid off. I really enjoyed his commitment in the Family Feud and hockey sketches. Also was glad to see the return of Aidy Bryant’s oblivious kid in a porno. Solid episode all around.

Hey, it’s Charlie! From Fringe! I’m a little sad now, but I’m glad it looks like his character will stick around for a bit.

He was like, “Well, the ‘Green Arrow’ doesn’t kill. But Oliver on vacation ‘bout to slaughter, son!”

Yeah, I’m surprised to find that I’ve become a big fan of Wild Dog.

And the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon
Child ‘neath the light of a killing moon
“When you coming home, Dad?” “I don’t know when, but
“We’ll kill together then, boy,
“We gonna have a bloodbath then.”

“Violence isn’t something that suits him at the moment”

Between Oliver wanting to set a good example for his son and the anti-vigilante bill being set to be opposed by the public, I hope the end goal here is to have Oliver Queen as a Green Arrow who’s more in line with the comics, going out in daylight saving people, and being a hero of the people in general instead of

I’m down with it. It’s not like they haven’t found ways to get Ollie out in the field, regardless. He shot more people dead in this episode, it was basically an homage to Season One Serial Killer Ollie.

Why didn’t Angela recognize she was interrogated by a younger version of herself?

I thought Mabel Tyler, the child actor who played Young Angela looked familiar. She also played the strange 10 year old girl in White Rose’s safehouse in Season 2 who administered Angela’s psych evaluation.

SO... the basement setup with the handcuffs means the instructions included having Tyrell appear as if he were a hostage who escaped and tried to stop the plot, yes?

On a show that specializes in gut-punches, that ending was the bleakest and hardest one yet. The music is always great in this show, but today it deserves special mention. The score in the beginning when Angela is talking to her mother is beautiful.

Holy motherfucking shit.