SID 8.0

The big plan - beam on board undetected; place several comically obvious sensors; make a zillion jumps; shoot a whole bunch - was several levels more byzantine than it should have been. Just load up a photon with sensors for detecting gaseous anomalies, and be done with it.

The wreckage looked like destroyed Narn ships. They’ve jumped into Babylon 5.

He was one jump away from retirement, dammit!

Well, that was entertaining, if banal.

The Oliver thing was odd only because he is ACTUALLY playing Zazu.

Fuck yeah! This is how you use your power in Hollywood for good. As if I weren’t already enough in love with Gal Gadot.

The whole “moral imperative to entertain me” notion people seem to have about their favorite pop culture is fucking gross. He’s a fucking abusive piece of shit, that’s a lot worse than his having made your least favorite fucking x-men movie.

It’s deeply disappointing to me that it looks like Brett Ratner is going to get run out of the business because of sexual harassment, when he should have been run out of the business for having no discernible talent.

It’s not that weird when the guest host is a professional comedian.

C at best. Haddish (I don’t know who she is) was fine. The writing was awful. I mean... a jerking off a dolphin sketch? This is where we are?

There are few things more inherently satisfying than the sight of Colin Jost being repeatedly pounded in the face by Kyle, Beck, Tiffany and Lorne. Thank you for that, ‘SNL.’

No, but people who are privileged have the imagination and luxury of making up stuff to be afraid of, even though statistically it won’t hurt you, and even if it does, the corporations involved have enough money to insure no real changes to their business model.

They’re doing what they can with what they have to work with. “Don’t say anything unless you’re ready to run for office” is a pretty limiting condition for the vast majority of the populace. They have a platform, they’re using it. In the end it will not change policy. Neither will the sacks of shit people vote

It’s funny that white people are scared of a government that has done nothing ever to hurt them are afraid of that government. It’s not like it took their land and murdered their people or experimented on them or enslaved them or put them in camps. Why are white people so afraid of their own government that has never

Part of the problem is that there are people who are so mistrustful of government that they see the occasional killing spree as the price of being able to defend themselves when the men in black come for their guns and bibles.

See, by their logic, those kids are suffering because they are not in the embrace of Jesus in Paradise

That scene in Kingsmen just got even more fun.

Stealing “cuntpickle” for future use.

So, I’m trying to look at some positives here and know that those people are with the Lord now and experiencing eternity and no more suffering, no more sadness anymore.

This is remarkably close to a sarcastic comment I’ve been making for years that Christians should be pro-murder of Christians, since that means they get to be in heaven with their savior. So much of their faith is built around the idea that dying is awesome (so long as you don’t take your own life).