SID 8.0

Person of Interest is my favorite show of all time. No joke.

And to be honest, superheroes are an inherently ludicrous concept.

Every time he said Miss I expected him to say “Shaw” or “Groves” afterward.......

Felicity holding a knife in the vicinity of Kacey Rohl’s throat gave me unhappy flashbacks to poor Abigail on Hannibal.

I swore the call had something to do with Thea too. Though admittedly I’m not looking forward to her return. Her character has be absent for so long

I wonder if she’ll deliberately sway the public in favor of the anti-vigilante bill by revealing herself as Dinah Laurel Lance, formerly celebrated vigilante Black Canary, now a master criminal.

Totally agree. It is bonkers, in a very agreeable way.

Bear in mind, when Arrow started, it was the grim, gritty, and down-to-earth superhero show, with none of that fantasy or science fiction bullshit. Now we’re in Season 6, and one of the main characters is the evil, superpowered, parallel universe doppelganger of another character who was killed by a magic man. That is

On a more shallow level, she was wearing those jeans well.

Apart from the fact that the internet doesn’t work that way, if it did on their earth, why would anyone, ever, put it in a city that gets threatened with destruction every spring? The idea that it was in Star City bothered me more than that it existed at all.

I’m sure someone else said this last week, but it bears repeating. If Curtis could fix Felicity’s paralysis, Diggle’s tremor should be easy. But maybe that’s the point of where all this is leading. The start-up plot and the Diggle plot will converge when he finally confesses the truth and they cure him.

I hope we see more of the fantastic Kacey Rohl on the show, as it is hinted we might, since she offered to come work at Felicity & Curtis’s company, and pitched what the company should actually produce (the anti-paralysis chip). She always gives the vibe that she might turn evil at any time, but really that is part of

Michael Emerson calling Evil Laurel “Miss Lance” gave me a definite vibe back to Harold calling Root “Miss Groves.” Also interesting that he considers her his partner! Arrow has been needing a female big bad, would like for those two to be the co-big-bads this season.

Katie Cassidy is remarkably electric as Black Siren. Being an out and out villain seems to suit her a lot more than the all over the place Earth 1 good but annoying Laurel.

I miss Person of Interest. So much.

Cayden James = Dark Harold (No Reece, No Root, No Carter, No Shaw, No...sob...Bear). I ain’t mad, I will watch Michael Emerson on anything (even on Claws, ugh). I got a chuckle out of his planting a nasty program into “The Internet” Samaritan LIVES!

The script is not entirely full of shit, surprisingly. Mostly, yes, but not entirely. It’s referring to the DNSSEC Root Signing Ceremony, which is run by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. It involves 7 different people doing an elaborately tamper-proofed update of one of the top level Domain Name System servers

I couldn’t stop thinking about this during all that nonsense:

This was pretty OK for me. Surprisingly, the best parts were Oliver and Felicity. Seasons three and four took the easy chemistry between the two and shat all over it with needless melodrama. Here we can see why people enjoyed these two together in seasons one and two.

Can we talk about how the Internet is contained in one (admittedly large) room? The idea that you can physically locate the Internet somewhere is, like, the oldest people-not-understanding-how-the-Internet-works gags there is, and here it’s played completely straight.