SID 8.0

If you want to understand this response from Trump, there’s one key piece of information you need to know: the soldier was black.

No. The mistake is assuming there is a code. Trump is not playing chess. He’s playing candyland. He doesn’t make promises he can’t keep as part of a strategy, he makes promises because he likes it when people like him. And he doens’t follow through because he’s stupid, cheap and an asshole.

Just triple checking: It’s definitely too late for a do over, right? Just kinda rewind the national tape so to speak and pretend none of these people ever existed?

Sometimes, I feel bad for Trump. After all, he could’ve been remembered best as an eccentric rich dude that had a TV show for a bit. Instead, he’ll go down as the single most pathetic and embarrassing person required to be included in US history books.

Look at her family.

“I should be golfing now, but instead I have to talk to some lady who is barely a 4 who’s goober husband got shot.”

Mirror Universe Trump, you are truly the pinnacle of human decency and governmental competence.

“He knew what he was signing up for, but I guess it hurts anyway.”

Sadly he has only mastered half of the ‘eat shit and die’ idiom.

I mean, I don’t know her personally. I know Mirror Universe Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a woman of the highest moral character, universally respected and admired for her generosity and humanity. She runs a soup kitchen!

Trump: “Something my generals said, very surprising, they told me Obama ate doo-doo in meetings with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.”

I have the bestest amount of sympathy for what’s his name and the wife I sent a raven to. This is difficult for me!

Huckabee Sanders is one of the least sympathetic figures in the White House. Kelly, McMaster, Mattis, he’ll, even Tillerson are advocating reasonable options to contain the threat Trump poses to the world. SecDef Mattis has my sympathy and prayers.

The Foreigner: He’s come to take yer jerb!

Me have heard for years that Jackie Chan had been looking for more serious roles and not had any luck with Hollywood. So me glad to see he finally found one. This looks terrific.

Sad sign of the times: it’s just a shot of Jackie hanging in front of a green screen and being unstrapped from the harness so he can go to the bathroom.

Voluntarily submit for criminal prosecution at The Hague or failing that master time travel and kill himself before the TRL incident.

Uh, grabbing a woman’s breast isn’t acting inappropriately, it’s assault, brotha!

Spoilers for a good quote below (can Kinja do spoiler tags? I can’t figure out how).

I thought ‘Blade Runner 2049' was marvelous. I really did. There were flaws, of course. It’s not a perfect film by any stretch of the imagination, but neither is the first ‘Blade Runner,’ and that remains my favorite film of all time. As an audience member, I do not require that a film achieves perfection in order for