SID 8.0

“Rick and Morty makes the profit charts and dollar graphs get bigger,” said a local business goblin. “They have created a world, a world where we receive additional money. I don’t know what cartoons are.”

It turns out that 90% of those numbers are just Mortys and Ricks watching on their Interdimensional Cable Boxes.

Well, sure, if you add up all the audience figures across parallel universes, you’re going to come up with a pretty large number.

You know, I see this kind of comment a lot, and it never fails to bug me. Why should the community (wordplay!) affect how you interact with a piece of art? I recognize that a lot of people on Reddit are shitheads, so I choose not to interact with them and thus never have to deal with MRAs who think that being a self

I keep hearing about how bad the fan base is, yet I never see it. Where are these terrible fans (Reddit doesn’t count for obvious reasons)?

Fuck silence, and fuck praying. The GOP are abject cowards and continually abase themselves before the NRA alter like Lovecraftian Deep-ones grovelling before Dagon.

Not to put the blame on you, but why not just move out of the way?

No offense taken. It’s not your fault I suffer from R. Kelly peeing on me.

“Lock her up! Lock her up!”

His father wasn’t insulated from going to prison.

I identify as white trash. Is that appropriate, or is it appropriation?

Regardless of whatever else may happen- is there a future where Jared Kushner DOESN’T go to prison?

He looks like he smells like he wets the bed (no offence to those suffering from incontinence, or to R Kelly’s girlfriends).

Now playing

I still vividly remember some episode of The Apprentice, where some contestant jovially referred to himself as “White Trash ” - and Donald Trump immediately became irate and offended by that term, “Why would you call yourself that? That is such a demeaning term - you know what, You’re fired!” He remained RILED up by

I am currently visiting in-laws in rural FL. I think the ladies 2 blocks down yelling at each other in the street with lots of pointing would be perfect!

Troll 2 > The Santa Clause

Battlefield Earth > The Santa Clause.

Jingle All The Way > The Santa Clause

An older, conservative middle-class white man complaining about kids these days? HE WOULD BRING THE WHOLE SYSTEM DOWN! HE MUST BE STOPPED!

These days, there is no funny, likable conservative character. Sorry that your kind shat all over yourselves these last few years, but here we are.