SID 8.0

Brokeback Hulk took us all by surprise. “Hulk wish he could quit you Abomination.” And of course the Green Mile.

it’ll only make sense if you watch Meteor Man, Blank Man, Batman and Robin, Spawn, and Catwoman. In that order otherwise you will be lost. Oh yeah, Kazaam too.

Like some people here I loved his stuff on SNL Update and his HBO show and specials too. His joke about the TV show MANTIS is pure gold. Now I see him on billboards on the way to work playing in Atlantic City. The Bill O’Reilly stuff he did just made him dead to me years ago. Sad, just sad.

The real question is did Groot ever level up on that game?

He’s just the best.

Street Smarts!

Headline of the Smallville Torch.

I now pass the moniker of “This F-ing Show!” from Person of Interest to The Expanse, you earned it. Amos and Bobbie’s children will take on Tormund and Brienne’s kids for galactic supremacy. Oh that dogfight was masterclass sci-fi work.

This God of War might be the game that makes me get a PlayStation.

Shredded wheat, neva frosted! This was the best episode of the season as predicted. John’s simply the best. “May I introduce you to and once again my condolences to everyone, the gazebo!”

Is that how those celebrity parties go down? It’s like being renditioned to a CIA black site. Plus it would be an effective way of kidnapping a lot of women too. Get in a van and end up in a container ship headed to Dubai.

How is Adam speaking Kryptoian? They never explained that part.

“and Emilio Estevez’s father who dropped him off for detention in The Breakfast Club.” That killed me, talk about a deep cut. Fascinating episode of an ever evolving show. Stanfield and Glover deserve Emmy and Gloden Globe noms nows.

Gamora, “The entire I’ve known him he’s only ever had one goal. To be the greatest blues singer in the universe.”

It would be totally messed up to let, Cap die a virgin.

The whole class helping Jack bang Colin’s mom and talking as if he isn’t even there was the funniest moment for me. They were cheering Jack on as Colin sat there incredulously. Heather, “She’ll definitely pop off for you.”

13 by Blur. Considering Damon Albarn’s state of mind while writing it it’s easy to understand why I picked this album. Heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. 

I wouldn’t call T’Challa a cypher. The scene where he meets his father again while under the root influence was super emotional.

I loved it. Didn’t like some of the CGI work though, final fight was hard to follow. Kilmonger had a legitimate beef too, a complex character that wasn’t 1 dimensional. Black Panther is a great character that has bright future ahead of him.

I would love that.